Before, I criticize it, I will say that the plan announced today is better than anything we have seen up to this point. It is the first plan that does not require a borrower to be 60 days behind in their payments to get relief. That's a big step in the right direction.
However, I have concerns about the effectiveness and fairness of the most important part of the plan. This part provides incentives to rework mortgages so that they are no more than 31% of the borrowers incomes.
Consider three homeowners. Each bought a house in the Valley in 2006 for $400,000 and the value has decreased to $200,000.
1. Income of $50,000 per year, and got 100% financing and a sub-prime, no-doc, adjustable rate mortgage. This person is almost certain to default if not already.
2. Income of $75,000 per year and put 10% down, and has a $360,000 mortgage. Their initial $40,000 down payment is gone, and they are deep underwater. They can’t refinance, are deep underwater and have moderate default risk depending on their loan.
3. Income of $100,000 per year and put 20% down, traditional mortgage. Their initial $80,000 down payment is gone for good, they are deep underwater on their mortgage ($120,000), but can afford their monthly payment. These are responsible buyers who could have bought a lot more house in the 2006 lending environment, but stuck to a traditional, conservative loan.
How is each family treated by the Obama foreclosure plan.
Family #1. Their mortgage is adjusted down to a monthly payment of 31% of their income or $1291 per month. Taxpayers subsidize an interest rate of around 1% (assuming a 30 year mortgage). [Update 2/19: It appears the Treasury has announced it won't subsidize mortgages below 2%, so this family will be ineligible for the program unless they can convince their lender to write down the principal by $50,000, as 31% of their income would pay a 2% mortgage on a $350,000 balance.]
Family #2. Their mortgage is adjusted down to a monthly payment of 31% of their income which is $1937.50 per month. They get a lightly subsidized taxpayer interest rate of around 5% (assuming they are in a 30 year fixed). They pay $7800 more per year than family #1, and over $1,000 per month more in interest. They are still deeply underwater with little chance of coming out, and have already lost their $40,000 down payment.
Family #3. Their current monthly payment is less than 31% of their income, because they could afford it in the first place. They can’t refinance to a lower interest rate (even under the new plan), because they are still deeply underwater despite putting 20% down. Their $80,000 down payment is gone. They have lost the most, but get no help, because they are considered the least likely to default.
The benefit of this policy is a short-run decrease in foreclosures. However, in the long-run all three families are in a serious negative equity situation that is unlikely to change for a decade or more. Thus, they will eventually default or short-sale if they move. Family #3 hasn’t even seen a reduction in monthly payments and can probably rent a comparable house for less than their mortgage. Family #3 has a strong incentive to “walk away”, and this policy is betting a lot on the hope that their past responsiblity demonstrates that they won't. Not much has been done to mitigate the long-run risk of foreclosure for any case, as the payments for #1 and #2 will start increasing again after 5 years and they will all still have negative equity.
Assuming this policy postpones defaults for a few years, taxpayers are on the hook for about $11,000 in incentives for the first 2 cases of reworked mortgages, and over $4,000 per year in interest subsidies for cases 1 and 2. Over 5 years (assuming no defaults), the cost to taxpayers is around $44,000 to help the first 2 cases stay in their homes longer. Eventually, we will still bear a significant cost from foreclosure too.
By basing the monthly payment on income rather than the value of the home, the program is a lot like welfare with a similar trap. People are “taxed” in terms of giving up their subsidy for earning more income. Family #3 or #2 could choose to earn less (quit a part-time job, perhaps have a 2nd earner stay home), and have a large amount of the lost income replaced by a big mortgage subsidy.
We are still awaiting some details on the Obama plan, so it could turn out to be somewhat better than I describe. However, I still believe “shared appreciation mortgages” are the best approach. These are discussed in some previous posts.
Foreclosure is the major cause of our financial crisis. Government should really prioritize this issue.We should really keep ourselves updated.Thanks for sharing your thoughts.Good Day!