Friday, June 7, 2024

Comment letter on Delta Conveyance Project benefit-cost analysis

On Monday, the Department of Water Resources Director and consultants will be presenting their latest cost-estimate of the delta tunnel and a recently released benefit-cost report to the Metropolitan Water District (MWD).    

Their presentation is posted now, and it is an all positive promotional pitch that does not seriously engage with the financial and environmental issues with the estimated $20 billion project.  The presentation also conceals some of the extreme assumptions that are used to inflate the benefits of the project, and makes a misleading and inaccurate cost comparison of DCP water to alternative supplies.

This afternoon, I sent a letter to the MWD board highlighting some of the shortcomings in the analysis. Link to letter

The letter points out several key issues that are ignored in the presentation.  I hope the critical perspective, helps the board and the public be more informed about the economics of the Delta Conveyance Project.  

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